Boys -
Girls -
EmployeesTeaching: 45
Non-Teaching: 3
- KVS believes in imparting knowledge/values and nurturing the talent, enthusiasm and creativity of its students for seeking excellence through high-quality educational endeavours;
- To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education;
- To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;
- To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education…

PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Kapurthala Cantt. Chandigarh Region
Kendriya Vidyalaya Kapurthala Cantt. was established in 1986 and is being run under the aegis of the KVS. Its main aim was to cater the children of Defense personnel. The Vidayalya has proved itself to be the vital and indispensable organ of the organization. (KVS)...
To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education; To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness ...
To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education; To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness ......

Commissioner, Nidhi Pandey, IIS
Dear Students, Teachers, and Parents,
On the momentous occasion of Foundation Day 2024 of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), I extend my heartfelt greetings to each one of you. From its humble beginnings in 1963, KVS has grown into an inspiring institution of excellence in school education. This remarkable journey continues to evolve, driven by an unwavering spirit of innovation and progress.

Smt. Preeti Saxena
Deputy Commissioner
Knowledge gives humility, and from humility one goes to worthiness. From deservingness one attains wealth and from wealth righteousness and from happiness...
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Sh Anil Kumar Dhiman
Dear Students, “It's the way you face life that makes the difference". Students there is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth; IT IS YOU. You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when your friends change, when your parents change, when your company changes. Your life changes when you change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs and realize that you are the only one responsible for your life. The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself. Therefore, "Believe in yourself and set your standards high". Examine, watch, don't be afraid of difficulties, impossibilities, losses; be a winner, build yourself and your reality. "It's the way you face Life that makes the difference!" Nothing happens by accident, So, always have a plan, and believe in it. When schemes are laid in advance, it is surprising how often circumstances will fit in with them. Therefore, organizing is what all of you should do, and be in fine tune with direction to be on track for what you most want. Another thing to keep in mind is attitude because attitude is the key ingredient for success. It can lift us up to great heights or pull us down to the depths of failure. It can energize us to do and say all the right things at the right time or it can undermine our motivation and cause us to sabotage our own best laid plans. In fact, it is the foundation for everything that happens to us, around us or within us. Attitude determines choice, and choice determines results. Our attitude is a choice we make and there's a lot riding on that choice. While making a choice, remember that you do not compromise on quality or values that make up character because 'The Worth of life is measured by its moral value'. Have a good character, establish a reputation of being a person who can be trusted and counted on. Have pride in yourself, take responsibility for what you do. Be someone people look up to. Be a person of integrity and dignity.
Read MoreWhat’s New
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Schedule 2025-2026.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Guidelines 2025-2026.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Notice 2025-2026.
- List of provisionally selected candidates for posting in foreign KVs (Kathmandu/Moscow/Tehran) for the session 2025-26, 2026-27 & 2027-28.
- Regarding the deployment of Postgraduate teachers for the zonal institutes of education and training of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan for the academic session 2024-25.
- Public notice regarding some fake websites.
- Regarding opening of new kendriya vidyalayas.
- Office order regarding Promotion from the Post of SSA to ASO.
- Office order regarding Promotion from the Post of Steno Grade-II to Steno Grade-I.
- Regarding "Choice of Pension Fund and Investment in TIER I of NPS for Central Autonomous Bodies(CABS)"
- Amendment in Article 161(2) (i) of Accounts Code of KVS in respect of disbursement of Pension to KVS retired employees-reg.
- Tenure of Training Associates of ZIETs as per 126 th Meeting of BoG, KVS for circulation
- Post of staff in KV Kathmandu, KV Moscow and KV Tehran for the year 2024-2027.
- Shala Dhwani (April-June 2024)
- Ensuring compliance of GeM Disclaimer Clauses in Buyers’ Additional Terms & conditions(ATCs) in GeM Bids to procure various Goods/Services in KVS – reg.
- Regarding timely payment of personal claims (Child Education Allowance/ Travel Allowance/ Daily Allowance/ Medical/ Pension benefits) etc. of employees in Kendriya Vidyalayas and Regional Offices.
- Message of Hon’ble President of India Smt. Droupadi Murmu on the occasion of Teachers’ Day-2024
- Message of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi on the occasion of Teachers’ Day-2024
- Message of Hon’ble Minister for Education, Sh. Dharmendra Pradhan on the occasion of Teachers’ Day-2024.
- Message of Hon’ble Minister of State for Education Sh. Jayant Chaudhary on the occasion of Teachers’ Day-2024.
- Commissioner’s Message on Teacher’s Day
- Redrawn Panel for Promotion through LDE from the post of PRT to HM for the year 2019 to 2023 from Main Panel.
- Office Order – Selection Scale 2023(PGT)
- Link to apply online for National Award to Teachers-2024(Last Date 15.7.2024)
- Important Notice regarding KVS Mobile Application App for the Online Admission in Class-I Session 2023-24.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Notice 2023-2024.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Guidelines 2023-2024.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Schedule 2023-2024.
- Office Memorandum
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Revised Admission Guidelines 2022-2023.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Revised Admission Schedule 2022-2023.
- Registration Form Class-II Onwards (Sample)
- Option Form for Class-XI (Sample)
Explore Things
Academic Planner
Academic Planner 2024-25
Academic Result
Academic Result 2023-24.
Bal Vatika
Bal Vatika is yet to start in this vidyalaya.
Nipun Lakshay
Vidyalaya is running Nipun Lakshay activities.
Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)
CALP details 2024-25
Study Materials
Study Material 2024-25
Workshops & Trainings
Vidyalaya conduct Workshop and Trainings for student and teachers...
Student Council
Student Council 2024-25.
Know your School
Know more about your school
Atal Tinkering Lab
Atal Tinkering Lab is yet to establish.
Digital Language Lab
School has well equipped Digital Language Lab with 30 computer systems.
ICT – eClassrooms & Labs
Vidyalaya has total 09 e-classrooms and keep on increasing its numbers in coming sessions.
Vidyalaya has well equipped library.
Labs - Physics/Chemistry/Biology
Vidyalaya has well equipped Labs for practical learning.
Building & BaLA Initiatives
We have well maintained building and each area of building is...
Sports Infrastructure (Play Fields)
We have indoor and outdoor facility with best sports infrastructure.
School strictly follow Standard operating procedure and NDMA guidelines.
School has indoor and outdoor games and sports infrastructure. It includes Table Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball...
NCC/Scout & Guides
School has Scouts & Guides wing in primary and secondary wings. School also have NCC wing.
Education Excursion
School provides free excursion to nearby areas and institutions.
School conduct various Olympiads like science, maths etc
Exhibition – NCSC/Science/Etc
School conducts and participate in various exhibitions and exams.
Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat
School participates every year in Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Program.
Art and Craft
School has well established art room and encourages children to participate in it.
Fun Day
Student enjoy and learn during bag less days.
Youth Parliament
Vidyalaya participate in youth parliament.
PM SHRI Schools
Proudly, We are under PM SHRI Schools
Skill Education
School runs various program of skill education.
Guidance and Counselling
School conducts various guidance and counselling sessions for students.
Community Participation
School organizes community participation program time to time.
Teachers and students contributes in Vidyanjali portal.
Refection of Student's creativity.
News Letter
Vidyalaya publish newsletter regularly.
Vidyalaya Patrika
Vidyalaya publish Vidyalaya Patrika regularly.
See What's Happening
News & Stories about Students, and innovation across the School

Community Participation of Students

Community Participation of Students
Our Vidyalaya Toppers
CBSE Board Examination Class X and Class XII
Vidyalaya Results
Year of 2023-24
Appeared 98 Passed 98
Year of 2022-23
Appeared 104 Passed 104
Year of 2021-22
Appeared 112 Passed 110
Year of 2020-21
Appeared 110 Passed 110
Year of 2023-24
Appeared 96 Passed 96
Year of 2022-23
Appeared 110 Passed 110
Year of 2021-22
Appeared 102 Passed 102
Year of 2020-21
Appeared 97 Passed 97